Shockwave Therapy has been proven with over a decade of research and clinical use to reverse the cause of ED. 

Get Screened First Thing in the Morning with No Wait!

Comprehensive, Personalized Colonoscopy Screening with Dr. Michelle Pearlman

Book Your No-Wait Colonoscopy Screening


Prime Institute offers a revolutionary concierge screening colonoscopy service designed to minimize your wait time and maximize your comfort. With early morning appointments available, you can be seen first thing in the morning, allowing you to get back to your day with minimal disruption.

Why Choose Concierge Screening Colonoscopy?

No Wait Times

Priority scheduling means you’ll be seen first thing in the morning.

Comprehensive Care

Personalized approach to ensure your comfort and health.

Expertise You Can Trust

Conducted by experienced professionals.


Dr. Pearlman’s comprehensive initial consultation is 1-hour. Dr. Pearlman offers both in-person and telemedicine visits for your convenience. During this initial visit, Dr. Pearlman will learn about your medical history and whether you are a candidate for a colonoscopy for colon cancer screening. If you decide you would like to schedule your screening colonoscopy procedure, you will be given a prescription for the bowel preparation and instructions on how to perform the bowel preparation.

Meet Dr. Michelle Pearlman

Your Expert in Gastrointestinal Health
Top-Rated Miami Specialist

Dr. Michelle Pearlman of PRIME Institute is dedicated to providing exceptional care for all your gastrointestinal health needs. With extensive training and experience, she ensures that each patient receives a tailored approach to their colonoscopy screening, emphasizing comfort, safety, and thoroughness.

Benefits of Early Morning Colonoscopy Screening


Get your procedure done early and get on with your day.


Discreet and respectful service tailored to your needs.

Expert Care

High-quality screenings performed by skilled professionals.

Our Process

Initial Consultation

Discuss your health history and any concerns.


Book a convenient, early morning appointment.

Preparation Guidance

Receive clear instructions to prepare for your screening.

Screening Day:

Quick and comfortable procedure with no waiting.


Comprehensive review of your results and next steps.

Ready to Schedule Your Colonoscopy?

Get Seen First Thing in the Morning with No Wait!

Book Your No-Wait Colonoscopy Screening